Hitachi-Omron Terminal Solutions, Corp.'s Approach to
Personal Information Protection
As a global supplier that offers human interface products and total solutions, Hitachi-Omron Terminal Solutions, Corp. (hereafter, the "Company") handles various kinds of information, including in-house technical information and information received from customers. Accordingly, the Company has strived to establish and thoroughly implement an information management system that respects the value of such information.
In light of this background, as well as prescribing rules and establishing a management setup regarding personal information protection, this document sets out the Company policy on personal information protection.
Hitachi-Omron Terminal Solutions, Corp.
Representative Director, President
Tetsuji Shimojo
Definition of personal information
Personal information in the Company is defined as information pertaining to individuals, and refers to names, birth dates, and other details or individually assigned numbers, symbols, and notations. Personal information also includes other contents that can identify individuals by means of images or voice signals (including information that cannot identify individuals but can be easily referenced to other identifying information). In addition to information that can identify individuals, personal information includes all information that expresses facts, judgments, and evaluations relating to individual characteristics, such as physique, property, occupation, and title.
The Company protects and manages the personal information with the utmost attention and effort, based on the "Personal information protection policy" set out below.
Applicable scope
This "Concerning Protection of Personal Information" document establishes the handling of personal information by Hitachi-Omron Terminal Solutions, Corp.
Personal information protection policy
Privacy Mark
The Company is granted the use of Privacy Mark, which is given by the Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC) to organizations that properly handle personal information.
Purposes of acquisition and use, and provision to third parties
The Company shall only acquire and use personal information within the
scope that is necessary for achievement of the objectives listed below,
in the course of its business activities. These activities primarily
consist of the manufacture of electrical instruments and appliances,
information communication machines, and the provision of information services.
When receiving personal information from a person, the purpose of that
information acquisition and utilization shall be clearly specified in advance, and
the person's consent shall be received.
The scope of business-related objectives for which personal information
shall be acquired and used is as follows:
- Execution of contracts concluded between the customer and the Company
- Notifications for business negotiations and meetings with the customer
- Provision of post-sales services on products
- Sending of information on events and new products
- Provision of member services
- Official work concerning stocks
- Response to various kinds of inquiry
- Analysis based on monitoring/questionnaires for improving products(include new product) and services
- Provision of personal information to group companies in cases
where the Company conducts business activities jointly with those group companies
The Company shall not disclose the person's personal information to
third parties without first obtaining the prior consent of the person,
except in the following cases:
- Cases based on legislation;
- Cases in which it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of
people, where it is difficult to secure the consent of the person;
- Cases in which it is particularly necessary to improve public hygiene or
promote the sound upbringing of children, where it is difficult to secure
the consent of the person;
- Cases in which it is necessary to cooperate with national
agencies, local governments, or their consigned parties in the
execution of official work prescribed by law, and where securing the
consent of the person may hinder execution of the said work;
- Cases in which the handling of personal information is consigned
within the scope required to achieve the objectives of acquisition
and utilization; and
- Cases in which personal information is provided in line with the
succession of business resulting from merger, etc.
- The Company may provide to its group companies a person's personal
information including name, workplace and home address, telephone
number, facsimile number, and email address, where necessary when
conducting joint business activities with group companies. In such
cases, the person's personal information shall be provided via paper
media or electronic media. Note that, the person shall be able to
request the Company to refrain from providing personal information to
group companies.
Concerning use of cookies and Web beacons
The Company's website, in parts, uses cookies (*1) and Web beacons (clear GIF, *2) in order to allow a person to use the website more conveniently. By changing the web browser settings, the person can refuse to receive cookies, or have a warning displayed in cases where cookies are received. For details, read the explanation for your browser. Moreover, by refusing to receive cookies, the person can refuse web beacons. However, in the case where receipt of cookies is refused, please understand that some or all of the services provided by the Company on the website may cease to be available.
Definition of terms:
- *1
- Cookie
This refers to information that is mutually exchanged between the
Web server that runs the website and the Web browser of a person.
Cookies may be stored as files on the hard disk of a person's
computer. By using cookies, it is possible for the Web
server to record which pages specific computers have visited on the
website and so on. However, only when the person himself/herself
inputs personal information on the website can the Company specify
or identify the person.
- *2
- Web beacon
This technology, which functions in tandem with cookies, makes it
possible to know the number of times that a person accesses a
certain page. However, the Company can only specify or identify
the person when the person himself/herself inputs personal
information when receiving cookies.
Concerning submission of requests or complaints
on disclosure, etc. of personal information
If you have a request or complaint concerning the
disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, suspension
of provision to third parties, or notification of the purpose of use
(hereafter, "disclosure, etc.") of personal information provided to the
Company, please perform the following:
- For a request for disclosure, etc. of personal information provided to the Company's sales department:
Please contact the sales department in question.
- For a request for disclosure, etc. of personal information stored on a website of the Company:
Please contact the department in charge of managing the website in question.
- For a request for disclosure, etc. of personal information in cases other than (1) or (2):
For details on your request for disclosure, etc., see the following document:
- For a complaint regarding handling of personal information by the Company:
Please enter the necessary information on the "Complaints Form Concerning Handling of Personal Information (PDF Type,91kbytes)" , and send it to the following address, or inquire by telephone.
For complaints relating to Hitachi-Omron Terminal Solutions, Corp.'s handling of personal information:
Contact address
Personal Information Protection and Information Security committee
Hitachi-Omron Terminal Solutions, Corp.
1 Ikegami, Haruoka-cho, Owariasahi-shi, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, 488-8501
Tel:0561-53-6132 Fax: 0561-53-7305
*Reception time: 08:30 - 17:00 weekdays
(excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and Corporate holidays)
Complaint format download:
Requests to you
Almost all the services provided by the Company can be used without
requiring the personal information. However, please
understand that some services cannot be provided if you do
not provide personal information to the Company.
Please understand that the Company is not liable for the safety of
personal information on other websites that are linked from the
Company's website.
When you enter personal information on the Company's
website, it is conditional on you giving your consent to "Concerning
Protection of Personal Information". If you do not give your consent to
"Concerning Protection of Personal Information", it may not be possible
to utilize the Company's services (including response to inquiries).
Moreover, if you are less than 15 years old, please secure the consent
of a guardian before you enter information.
Items of special note
- The Company's personal information protection policy is based on Japanese law.
- The Company may revise the contents of "Concerning Protection of
Personal Information" subject to improvements in the handling of
personal information or the establishment or revision of legislation and
other regulations.
- "Concerning Protection of Personal Information" shall be applicable on
and after the date of posting (including revision dates).
- In cases where individual sites provided by the Company separately
stipulate provisions concerning personal information protection, these
provisions shall take priority.
- In cases where a person telephones the Company, the contents of the
conversation may be subject to recording in order to allow an accurate
response to be given.
Inquiries concerning this document
Except for requests or complaints regarding the disclosure, etc. of
personal information (see Concerning submission of requests or
complaints on disclosure, etc. of personal information), send inquiries
concerning this document ("Concerning Protection of Personal Information")
by using the following "Contact Us Input Form", or by post or facsimile.
When sending your questions or views, please read and accept the contents
of this document ("Concerning Protection of Personal Information"). If you
do not give your consent, we may be unable to respond to your question.
Personal information that is sent will be erased as soon as the response
to your inquiry is given, and the Company will not retain the personal
Mail or facsimile reception
Personal Information Protection and Information Security committee
Hitachi-Omron Terminal Solutions, Corp.
1 Ikegami, Haruoka-cho, Owariasahi-shi, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, 488-8501
Fax: 0561-53-7305
In the case of mail or facsimile, please include the following information:
- Contents of inquiry (mandatory)
- Name (mandatory)
- Phonetic transcription in kana letters (mandatory)
- Organization (name of workplace or school, etc.)
- Email address (mandatory)
- Postcode*
- Address*
- Telephone number*
*These items are only necessary for people who have no email address.
Revised on May 7, 2018

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